A brand of Funke Mediengruppe

Hostel in Merseburg 06217 Merseburg

Rooms and flats in the city, city districts and the region in various sizes / furnishings

Home4time GmbH

6 years as a host
121 listings

Address & Contact


Owner's noteMon.-Fri. from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. German: 02257-95905-0 Polish: 02257-95905-25 Portuguese: 02257-95905-41 English: 02257-95905-43 more

Hostel in Merseburg
06217 Merseburg, Germany


Accommodation in the city centre, many districts and in the surrounding area
no brokerage of third-party accommodation
no commission
we only rent out our own properties
simply state your requirements and receive an offer today
our office hours are Mon - Fri from 7.30 am to 6 pm
no waiting loops
reliable availability
and we are there for you personally

German: 02257-95905-0
Polish: 02257-95905-25
Portuguese: 02257-95905-41
English: 02257-95905-43
Spanish: 02257-95905-41
French: 02257-95905-15
Arabic: 02257-95905-43

Prices (VAT excl.)

Single room for one person from 20,00 €

Number: 1

Guests: 1

Price:20,00 €

Double room for 2 persons from 200,00 € per person

Number: 1

Guests: 2

Price:400,00 €

Shared room for 3 persons from 20,00 € per person

Number: 1

Guests: 3

Price:60,00 €

Whole accommodation for 4 persons from 15,00 € per person

Number: 1

Guests: 4

Price:60,00 €

Additional pricing information

The prices are valid for a stay of 1 month or longer
Special arrangements possible for large groups or longer stays

Host Profile

Home4time GmbH

6 years as a host
121 listings

This accommodation welcomes guests on Pension.de since 13.02.2025.

per person from 15,00 € (VAT excl.)