A brand of Funke Mediengruppe

Pension Eichel 77977 Rust


Address & Contact

Sergej Eichel

Pension Eichel
77977 Rust, Germany


Ladies and Gentlemen

In 77977 Rust and a radius of 25 km we offer various rooms, apartments and houses especially for fitters. Kitchen, internet and washing machine is always available. All apartments are equipped with single beds.

We have capacities from 1-299 people.
From 15 euros per person per day.

Day by day, week by week or even several months at a time.
Just get in touch and inquire about availability.
Best regards

Prices (VAT incl.)

5 Single rooms for one person from 15,00 €

Number: 5

Guests: 1

Price:15,00 €

5 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 15,00 € per person

Number: 5

Guests: 2

Price:30,00 €

5 Shared rooms for 5 persons each from 15,00 € per person

Number: 5

Guests: 5

Price:75,00 €

5 Whole accommodations for 10 persons each from 15,00 € per person

Number: 5

Guests: 10

Price:150,00 €

This accommodation welcomes guests on Pension.de since 25.10.2018.

per person from 15,00 € (VAT incl.)