Guestroom in Rastatt 76437 Rastatt
Large garden with 800m2

Address & Contact
Bernd Durlach
Guestroom in Rastatt
76437 Rastatt, Germany
Quiet, with a large garden and plenty of space.
Private car parking spaces.
Truck parking on the street.
Supermarket 3min walk.
Barbecue area in the garden.
Private car parking spaces.
Truck parking on the street.
Supermarket 3min walk.
Barbecue area in the garden.
Prices (VAT excl.)
6 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 18,00 € per person
Number: 6
Guests: 2
Minimum stay (nights): 5
Price:36,00 €
Paid extras per unit
Paid garage parking
Paid parking
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 09.01.2024.
per person from 18,00 € (VAT excl.)