A brand of Funke Mediengruppe

Guestroom in Rastatt 76437 Rastatt

Large garden with 800m2

Address & Contact

Bernd Durlach

Guestroom in Rastatt
76437 Rastatt, Germany


Quiet, with a large garden and plenty of space.
Private car parking spaces.
Truck parking on the street.
Supermarket 3min walk.
Barbecue area in the garden.

Prices (VAT excl.)

6 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 18,00 € per person

Number: 6

Guests: 2

Minimum stay (nights): 5

Price:36,00 €

Paid extras per unit

Paid garage parking

Paid parking

This accommodation welcomes guests on Pension.de since 09.01.2024.

per person from 18,00 € (VAT excl.)