Guestroom in Frankfurt am Main 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Low price accommodations around Frankfurt

Address & Contact
Frau Babis und Herr Wißfeld-Hepp
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
Guestroom in Frankfurt am Main
60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Accommodations for two to 12 people per residential unit´each with private bathrooms, some with kitchen, others with access to shared kitchens
Prices (VAT excl.)
10 Single rooms for one person from 20,00 €
Number: 10
Guests: 1
Minimum stay (nights): 10
Price:20,00 €
35 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 15,00 € per person
Number: 35
Guests: 2
Minimum stay (nights): 10
Price:30,00 €
48 Shared rooms for 3 persons each from 14,00 € per person
Number: 48
Guests: 3
Minimum stay (nights): 10
Price:42,00 €
14 Whole accommodations for 6 persons each from 14,00 € per person
Number: 14
Guests: 6
Minimum stay (nights): 10
Price:84,00 €
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 25.03.2014.
per person from 14,00 € (VAT excl.)