ruhige Ferienwohnung Landidylle, gut ausgestattet 35066 Frankenberg (Eder)
Geräumige Gästezimmer mit separaten Betten, WLAN, ruhiger Terrasse und Grillmöglichkeiten

Address & Contact
Christine Hahn
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
ruhige Ferienwohnung Landidylle, gut ausgestattet
35066 Frankenberg (Eder), Germany
Prices (no VAT appl.)
Whole accommodation for 4 persons from 21,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 4
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 60,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 3
Price:85,00 €
Rooms and sleeping places for this unit
Livingroom with Sofa bed
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 11.02.2014.
per person from 21,25 € (no VAT appl.)