Guestroom in Berlin 12683 Berlin
Monteurzimmer in Biesdorf mit Garten und Vollausstattung in grüner Umgebung

Address & Contact
I. Seliger
Guestroom in Berlin
12683 Berlin, Germany
Prices (VAT incl.)
Shared room for 3 persons from 20,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 3
Minimum stay (nights): 10

Price:60,00 €
Rooms and sleeping places for this unit
Bedroom with 3×Single bed
Double room for 2 persons from 25,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 2
Minimum stay (nights): 10

Price:50,00 €
Rooms and sleeping places for this unit (20m2)
Bedroom with 2×Single bed
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 09.08.2023.
per person from 20,00 € (VAT incl.)